Easily Access Your Electricity Bill
Knowing your usage patterns and electricity costs is the first step to understanding the right solar solution for your home or business.
Here is a helpful guide to finding and accessing your bill quickly and painlessly for the three major electric utilities in Michigan.
While we only list the three utilities, we’ll work with any utility if you don’t use Consumers Energy, DTE, or Board of Water and Light. If you still need assistance or have additional questions, don’t hesitate to contact us.
General Energy Bill Instructions
Log in to your electricity utility provider
Find the billing statements section of your provider. Typically, there will be a place to view the bill or past billing statements.
Download most recent billing statement(s)
At the view bill screen or prompt, you will find options to save/download. Save it to your computer in a place you’ll easily locate it.
Send to Absolute Solar
Once you’ve downloaded the billing statement, upload the documents on our contact form.
Once your solar energy system is up and running and producing clean, renewable energy, you are immediately reducing or eliminating your electric utility bill, saving you money while reducing your carbon footprint. Your wallet and the environment thank you!