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Clean Energy x 2: Is There a Solar-Powered Heat Pump Out There?

Geothermal heat pumps use energy from the earth’s core. They sometimes need a backup source, though. Is there a solar-powered heat pump on the market?

Keyword(s): solar powered heat pump

You can save green in more ways than one by installing a solar powered heat pump in your home or business.

A growing number of consumers want renewable energy to power their homes. However, they also want to make sure they can generate heat.

Furthermore, they want these things without getting hit in the pocket. You can accomplish all these things with a solar powered heat pump, but you have to think of your finances over time to recover your investment.

It’s easier to install a renewable power source in your home compared to 10 years ago, and this couldn’t have come at a better time. Today, more people have embraced sustainability and want to do their part to help the environment, while continuing to enjoy the creature comforts of life.

How Heat Pumps Work

First, it helps to understand some basic facts about heat pumps. A heat pump gathers renewable heat from the environment.

Even if you live in a frigid environment, you can generate three or more units of heat for each unit of power collected by the pump. A heap pump can help you meet your environmental needs, even during the peak cold season. Furthermore, it can do so without using a massive amount of energy.

Best of all, a heat pump can enable you to warm your home without damaging the environment. It also eliminates the need for the equipment and work required to use gas heat.

Also, a heat pump requires less maintenance than a gas-powered HVAC system. What’s more, they cost less to operate.

Accordingly, it makes sense to learn more about how a heat pump can warm your home. It takes some research, however, to ensure that you’re choosing the right system for your property.

Save Two Kinds of Green With a Solar Powered Heat Pump

You can combine solar power with your heat pump to save even more money. By generating solar power, you can save on utility costs for years.

Furthermore, utility prices fluctuate. Utility companies base the cost of electricity on supply and demand. By using solar power, you can avoid varying heating costs over the years.

Most consumers heat their homes using fossil fuels. Power plants convert fossil fuels into energy that consumers can use to heat and power their homes.

Petroleum, oil and natural gas are both fossil fuels that diminish Earth’s natural resources. Solar power further decreases your impact on the environment.

Even an air source heat pump that’s complemented by the electric grid uses fossil fuel. A solar heat pump, however, reduces your carbon footprint as well as the emissions that make their way into the environment.

There are very few appliances that work without power. As time goes on, consumers will place an increasing demand on their electrical systems.

A solar powered heat pump can help you reduce the burden that you place on your electrical system. Also, alternative energy is a great way to do your part to ensure that your lineage has a place to call home in the future. It can also reduce the burden that you place on your wallet.

A Win-Win Technology

Heat pump water heaters are a disruptive technology. En masse, these systems can eliminate air pollution and damaging toxins that enter the environment.

They can also serve as a sustainable battery. You can store the emissions of a heat pump water heater and use it for power as needed.

The California Public Utilities Commission has found that heat pump water heaters are a viable local energy source that can help balance the electric grid.

This finding is an excellent service to the state of California. In California, residential and commercial properties consume more gas than power plants. The properties also produce more pollution than the state’s power plants.

Heat pump water heaters enable consumers and business owners to operate zero-emission properties. However, property owners can also reap the benefits of generating extra power.

These high-tech devices collect and concentrate heat from the air surrounding the water tank to generate power. In a sense, they’re like steam-powered batteries.

When power is plentiful, such as in the middle of the day, heat pump water heaters store energy. In the evening, when most consumers are home and using power, the system makes power available for users.

Financing Sustainability

It’s expensive to install a solar powered heat pump system. However, you’ll recoup your investment in the long run.

Still, there are ways to reap financial rewards now for investing in sustainable power. For instance, you can recover some of your investment through the federal Investment Tax Credit (ITC).

The goal of the ITC is to make solar power affordable for home and business owners. It’s an incentive that allows you to make a tax deduction for every dollar that you spend installing a solar system of up to 26% of the total cost.

Most solar systems cost close to $18,000 to install. The ITC can save you nearly $5,000. There are also other rebates and incentives that you can use to reduce the cost of installing a solar power system in your home or business.

Why Are You Waiting? Get Started Today!

There’s a lot involved with choosing a solar powered heat pump system. A knowledgeable contractor can help you navigate financing and choose the right solar heat pump system for your home.

You can help to save the environment and your finances. Contact Absolute Environmental Solutions today to learn how you can start enjoying the benefits of a solar powered heat pump.

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